What We Loved About 2018, What We’re Looking for in 2019
This year has been full of growth, improvement, and all-around development at Unite Us, but we thought we’d end it off with a quick message about our highlights and goals. While each of our departments has seen their own successes, they all contribute to our mission of building healthier communities. At the start of 2018, the industry was still catching up on why addressing social determinants of health was crucial to improving outcomes. Now, it’s common sense. We’ve been lucky enough to play a role in this shift and we’re honored to be paving the way for communities across the country looking to address health holistically.
Watch the videos below to hear some of our directors’ favorite moments and biggest accomplishments of 2018, as well as what we are looking forward to in 2019:
What were some of your most exciting moments in 2018?
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“As an industry and as a company, the way that our perspectives have changed towards the social determinants of health have transformed from why are they important, why do they matter to how do we actually make an impact, how do we actually make a change?”
– Sabina Loscalzo, Director of Marketing
What were some of your biggest accomplishments?
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“From a Network Development perspective, the story of 2018 is the story of healthcare… but in terms of launching new networks in different states, I think we’re in 17 different states now, and in particular working with new kinds of partners, whether it’s hospitals or health systems, states and medicaid projects, whether it’s working with health plans directly, it’s been a really exciting time.”
-Steve Strauss, Head of Network Development
What are you looking forward to in 2019?
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“2019 will show that big institutions are making big investments in social determinants of health and so if you’ve ever said, oh this system is broken or this system doesn’t work, there’s no more excuses anymore, the time is now.”
-Taylor Justice, Co-Founder & President
For more information about Unite Us and how to build a network click here: