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How Government
Agencies Use Unite Us

The use cases are endless. Here are a few ways government agencies are transforming their communities with Unite Us.


Support Community Reentry
to Reduce Recidivism

We help people leaving incarceration transition into productive, healthy lives. With our easy-to-use platform and smart workflows, correctional staff can do more in less time. And our accountable network enables people to get enrolled in programs they’re actually eligible for. Plus, self-service tools give people leaving incarceration a clear path to getting back on their feet – and staying there.

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Key Benefits

Drive quick connections between previously incarcerated individuals and community resources

Save staff time with easy-to-use workflows and an accountable network of community organizations

Prioritize privacy and security at every step of the way

Maternal Health

Improve Maternal and Child Health Outcomes

Unite Us partners with local governments, healthcare providers and community-based organizations across the country to support maternal and child health initiatives. The results of that work–and our proven ROI–speak for themselves. After implementing Unite Us, our maternal health providers have seen decreases in hospital readmissions of as much as 79%, as well as significant cost savings.

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Key Benefits

Get families the right services, right when they need them

Track the health journey of individuals and families through the system over time

Increase operational efficiencies by reducing time spent on administrative tasks and improving coordination with partners and providers

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • We know that the needs of every customer are different. That’s why our networks are designed to meet your unique needs. Current customers use Unite Us to collaborate with non-government partners like CBOss, healthcare providers, and health plans, but also with other government partners. 

  • Yes, many of our partners collaborate with other departments or agencies within their state or county using Unite Us. 

  • With Unite Us, closing the loop isn’t optional and it isn’t checking a box. You’ll receive detailed information on the outcome of a case, so you can get more informed data and a better understanding of how to help the individual.

  • Trust and transparency are the cornerstones of the Unite Us Platform. Unite Us is compliant with HIPAA and leading security frameworks including HITRUST. Read more about our security guidelines and our privacy policy.

  • Unite Us is built to be flexible to help meet the needs of your patients and care teams. With Unite Us, care teams directly serving a patient can understand their patient’s longitudinal care journey, including the status and outcomes of any social care referrals, in accordance with the patient’s documented consent. Care teams can also use Unite Us’s intuitive dashboards to manage day-to-day workflows and caseloads.

    Care teams can also use Unite Us Chat to easily and securely communicate with other users in the network based on shared referrals and cases.

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