The Future of Funding: Building Stronger Communities Through Strategic Investments
We know from research and personal experience that people are healthier when they have safe housing, access to healthy food, and viable transportation options. Despite this reality, there has been a historical lack of funding and infrastructure for organizations addressing social determinants of health in communities across the U.S. But not anymore. Systems are changing to finally meet people where they are and elevate social care to the same priority level as healthcare.
In North Carolina, the Healthy Opportunities Pilots is one of the nation’s first comprehensive programs to provide payers, providers, and community-based organizations with the tools, infrastructure, and financing necessary to integrate non-medical services directly related to improved health outcomes into the delivery of care.
Using our Social Care Payments Solution, which enables stakeholders to access and pay for social care through the Unite Us Platform, local government agencies, health plans, and providers alike have been able to partner effectively, manage program efficiency, and ultimately, expand their programs’ impacts.
Join us at our panel, The Future of Funding, to hear more from the organizations in North Carolina that have gone beyond the call of duty to connect individuals to care in their own communities. We’ll discuss the Unite Us Payments product and learn more about how organizations like yours can better prepare for these types of strategic investments.